Sunday, March 11, 2012

TabControl / TabPanel / UpdatePanel / ObjectDataSource

Set the UpdateMode of your UpdatePanels to Conditional (see: and


thanks for the quick reply damien. I watched the video clip and read the post you linked to but unfortunately have not been able to fix this yet.

i tried changing the update modes for each of the Update panels within my TabPanels and then the updatepanel that my TabControl is inside, but this doesn't seem to have had any impact on the behaviour of the form.

When i select a row from one of the grids and detailsviews, the ObjectDataSource Selecting events fire for the other grids too, then the TabControl_Load event fires and the ObjectDataSource Selecting events for the grids and detailsviews fire again.

I get the impression i'm missing something fairly big here...

Have a look at this post...; not sure if it will help or not.

It could be an issue with how you are posting back to the page, but it's tough to tell without seeing your project. Just make sure that all controls that post back are contained within the proper UpdatePanel.


i figured it out. It was a problem entirely of my own making. All of my gridviews had the attribute EnableViewState="false". This made my gridviews repopulate and i was left making 20+ separate trips to the server. Removing this attribute dramatically improves my performance. Thanks for the other posts Damien, that'll be handy in the future. Much appreciated.

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