Sunday, March 11, 2012


In CSS, when you assign a height to something like a <div> - it's factored in relation to it's parent element.

What you may be finding is that div.tabpanel {height: 100%;} is actually just using "auto" to be as high as it needs to be.

To make it work, you need to define the height of the parent element (probably the body): body {height: 100%;}

You should now be able to apply this CSS behaviour to your tab-panel.

can u show me an example of CSS for div tag?

Sure - Here is the CSS bit:

<style type="text/css">
body {
#hundredhigh {
height:100%; /* works only if parent container is assigned a height value */
background-color: #cccccc;

And here is the html bit to show it working:

<div id="hundredhigh">
<p>You have to set the body height to 100% before the height will work on "child" elements, like this DIV tag.</p>

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