Saturday, March 24, 2012

TabContainer - ActiveTabIndex not matching ActiveTab

I'm not sure if anyone has seen this, but I am experiencing the following:

I have a tab container when several (8) tabs.

On page load, I dynamically set the "Visible" property of particular tabpanels based on database values (security schema for what a user can see). Along with setting the visibility, I also set HeaderText = "" so that nothing renders at all.

The problem I am having is that if I set the first tabpanel (index=0) to not be visible, then the TabContainer seems to incorrectly associate ActiveTabIndex and ActiveTab. For instance, the container will correctly identify that the ActiveTabIndex = 2 (third tab), but the ActiveTab is referencing the second tab (incorrectly). It is as if setting a tabpanel to be invisible causes a mismatch between ActiveTab and ActiveTabIndex.

Has anyone else experienced this? It is not very hard to replicate, I am wondering if this is a bug with this control?!?!?!?

Thanks, in advance!


Can someone replicate this issue? It should only take a few minutes...

I need to know if I am doing something wrong or if it is a bug in the control...


I think that when a tab is set to visible="false", it does not get rendered to client. So, the next tab does get an index of 0. Sounds logical to me like that..

Maybe you could use Tabcontainer.ActiveTab = [id of tab] instead of index?

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